Karla grew up on a farm, where she worked every day for 32 years. She continued to live and work on the farm as she got older, eventually marrying and having four children: three daughters and one son.
The six of them shared one room, along with Karla's brother, and they lived without electricity or clean water.
Karla's husband left their family, leaving Karla alone to raise four young children in extremely difficult living conditions. This brought even more strain to her finances, and Karla was overwhelmed with stress and frustration.
Karla had dreams to live in a house large enough for her family and send her children to school. She worked tirelessly every day to provide for her children. Eventually, she had the funds needed to pay for their educational expenses, but due to the hardships of their home life, the children failed out.
Karla's family was given the opportunity to participate in a Rainbow Network housing project. She worked hard to help with construction of the homes, and she was overjoyed to receive the keys to their new home on the day of the housing dedication!
They now have clean water, electricity and space for the whole family. They also have space outside their home for a garden, which she uses to grow nutritious food to sell to members of the community.

Karla is incredibly grateful for the support she has received through the Housing and Economic Development programs. Her children were able to return to school and receive educational assistance through Rainbow Network's colectivos and scholarship program.
Karla's oldest son, Wester, graduated from high school in 2019 as a Rainbow Network scholarship student, and her daughter, Cindy, was also a scholarship student.
In 2023, their community graduated along with the entire network of San Ramon! While we were sad to say goodbye to this family, we were so proud of all they had accomplished, and we are thankful to God for all He has done in their lives.