The stories we share, the faces we see, the impact we celebrate…. These are focused on the people we partner with. However, I love pointing out one special word at the start of our mission statement that is often overlooked- “in”.
Our mission is to share IN Christ’s love. This one word changes the whole meaning of the work we do, taking it from a one-sided service to a two-sided partnership through our relationship with each other and Christ.
Our student sponsors and trip guests are often asked why they choose to sacrifice their time and resources, and take time off work to travel away from their family. All the responses I have heard over the years can be summarized as this – because it is what Christ has called us to do.
We love our neighbors as ourselves.
We share the burdens of life and bring light to dark situations.
We give sacrificially because we trust that God will provide all we need.
What we, as North Americans, can easily miss is that we share the same desires as the people we are ‘helping’. We want to feel loved and known. We want to thrive in our community. We want to feel close to God and experience His glory. We have the privilege of experiencing all of this and more as we support and engage with this mission.
As we approach Christmas and the end of 2024, I am humbled and honored to see all the lives that have been impacted this year. So many people have come together to make this happen, and I am grateful to each one of you.
May you experience the gift of hope and love this season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and look forward to 2025 – our 30th anniversary!
“She will bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” -Matthew 1:21
Megan Herrera