
Who is Rainbow Network? We work to eradicate economic poverty in rural communities around the world. We encourage and empower families through authentic relationships that are centered on the hope of Christ.
How does Rainbow Network help communities overcome poverty? We tackle the root causes of extreme poverty by focusing on healthcare, education, economic development, and housing. Participation and leadership within the communities is vital to the success of our mission.
Why is this work necessary? Rural communities often suffer from extreme poverty. People are malnourished, have little to no access to education, and live in unsanitary conditions.
Where does Rainbow Network work? We are currently partnered with over 100 rural communities across Nicaragua - with plans to expand!
What is Rainbow Network's EIN / tax ID? 43-1720451
What can I do? You can make a donation, sponsor a student, become a community partner or simply spread the word! Find out more here.


How do the medical clinics work? Rainbow Network physicians visit each community approximately twice a month, carrying medication and supplies to the communities.
What if a patient needs more intensive care than the medical clinic offers? A patient who needs specialized care will be added to our Medical Needs program. These patients are supported by Rainbow Network through assistance with scheduling appointments and procedures, transportation, navigating the public healthcare system and financial support.


What is included in the scholarship program?

A scholarship provides students with school supplies, uniforms, a monthly stipend for transportation to school and other educational-related expenses, and leadership and personal development training.

Students, their families, and their communities have access to Rainbow Network resources including medical clinics, nutrition centers, support launching small businesses and more!

How do I sponsor a student? Click Here to learn more about student sponsorship and sign up to sponsor a student.
Can I sponsor more than one student? Of course! You may sponsor as many students as you'd like.
Is my sponsorship contribution given directly to my student? While you are connected with one specific student, your sponsorship contributions go where they are most needed.

Instead of going directly to your student, your contributions support Rainbow Network as a whole - benefitting your student, their community and the other communities we partner with!.

How much does it cost to sponsor a student & how do I give? Sponsorship is $30/month or $360/year per student. You may give online, sign up for automatic withdrawals, call our office to submit your credit card information, or mail your donation to us. Find out more about sponsorship contribution options here.
If I sponsor a student, will I have contact with them? Yes! Sponsors are encouraged to build a relationship with their student. Consider regularly corresponding with your student via letters. Letters must be sent through Rainbow Network. Personal contact (via Facebook, phone, etc.) is not permitted. Write a letter to your student here.

The relationship you build with your student provides them with much-needed encouragement. Your letters and prayers communicate to them that they are seen and loved. Students dream bigger when they know that they are supported and cared for!

Can I send my student a financial gift for a special occasion? Yes! You may send your student a financial gift for their birthday, Christmas, and/or graduation, up to $20 per occasion. Click here to give a special occasion gift.
Can I send my student a physical gift? Physical gifts and packages are not accepted. Please see above for financial gift guidelines.
How long will I be able to sponsor the same student? We ask for a one year commitment, but sponsors often choose to sponsor their student through primary school or high school graduation.

Sponsorship may end for any of the following reasons:
1. The community has graduated. The goal of Rainbow Network's partnership is self-sufficient communities. When sustainability goals are met, projects are phased out and we move on to serve other communities. This is a time for celebration!

2. Your student becomes self- sufficient. In many cases, students are sponsored until they finish school, are able to support themselves, or marry.

3. Occasionally, circumstances arise where a student must leave the sponsorship program. For example, a child’s family may move out of the community to a location where sponsorship is not available. If circumstances change and your student is no longer available for sponsorship, we’ll notify you and send you a new student in need of sponsorship.


Economic Development

What does the economic development program consist of? Individuals who are interested in starting their own business in their community are supported by our Economic Development Coordinators. These individuals receive the materials needed to start the business and training on how to build a sustainable business. They also receive ongoing business coaching.
How does this help communities become self-sustaining? A lack of education in rural communities leads to few job opportunities, and it is difficult to access bigger cities where there are higher paying jobs. These small businesses increase income levels and the quality of life for many families.
What are the most common small businesses? Sewing groups, bakeries, animal husbandry, barber shops and more!


What materials are Rainbow Network houses made of? Each house is 20’ x 20’ and made of cement blocks. The houses have cement floors, a front and back door that lock, a tin roof, and one window. There are several vertical and horizontal seismic beams, built to withstand movements from volcanoes and earthquakes. Houses are typically built 25 at a time.
What amenities do Rainbow Network houses have? Each house has a covered porch, space for a family garden, and an area for children to play. There is electricity, a latrine, and access to clean water.
What requirements must families meet in order to apply for a housing project? Each family must have children in order to participate. This creates multi-generational impact! They must be willing to assist with construction until the project is complete and make a contribution back to Rainbow Network to help cover the cost of materials.
How are families selected to participate in a housing project? Interested families submit an application, and they are interviewed by Rainbow Network staff. Participants are selected based on their current living conditions and whether they meet the above requirements.