30 Years of Changing Lives!

30 Years of Changing Lives

We have reached an amazing milestone! Not only are we starting a new year, but we are also starting a new decade of ministry. This year marks 30 years that we have been transforming rural communities- one life at a time! God has done incredible things through our organization, and we couldn’t be more thankful.

We have continuously evaluated our work in order to be efficient and effective. We have fine-tuned our model to build on our successes and create greater impact with your support. Never in the history of this organization have we been more focused and intentional with how we partner with rural communities. 

Instead of creating dependence, people are growing and reaching independence.

Instead of giving handouts, life-changing opportunities are being created through a hand up.

Instead of short-term relief, families and communities are experiencing long-term restoration.

Instead of hopelessness and despair, hope and faith are being found in Christ. Relationships are being strengthened among fellow community members, and between US supporters and rural communities.

Our loyal, united supporters have made this all possible. They believe in our model, and they are committed to making our programs available for rural communities throughout the world. If this is you – we can’t thank you enough!

If you have not joined us yet, I invite you to take a step today. In honor of our 30th anniversary, would you consider kicking off this year with a 30-dollar donation?

God has done, is doing, and, we believe, will continue doing great things in and through Rainbow Network. We have seen Him at work in many exciting ways over the last three decades, and we fully believe the best is yet to come!

Keep a close eye on our emails, socials, and website for exciting announcements and glimpses into the lives that have been impacted by Rainbow Network. We have a lot to share and a lot to celebrate!

Happy Anniversary!

Megan Herrera