Raquel’s Story of Success

Each dollar given to further our mission should do just that- help people reach independence. Raquel from La Palma knows what it is like to experience the many blessings of Rainbow Network’s presence in her community. In fact, her community recently graduated from our programs. They are completely independent! Growing up without parents, Raquel’s grandpa…

Our Strategy

We provide innovative and sustainable solutions that enable rural communities to overcome economic poverty and build a brighter future.

Our Solutions

Tackling poverty requires a holistic approach. Our mission addresses each obstacle that people in poverty face, and builds communities up through authentic, Christ-centered relationships. 

Join Us

You can become a partner in equipping rural communities! Your gift helps families grow and thrive.

Stories of Rural Communities: Read our blog!

Rainbow Network President, Megan Herrera, shares her favorite stories in our monthly blog. She highlights the critical needs of rural communities while reflecting on why this work is truly important.